DSI Foundation (Stichting DSI) - Tuchtrechtbanken app


How the DSI Foundation can ensure complaints in the financial market are handled securely.

General Information

Business Need:
How the DSI Foundation can ensure complaints in the financial market are handled securely.

Solution: Mansystems built a Disciplinary Law Complaint application on behalf of the DSI Foundation to ensure that complaints made about financial transactions can be done in a safe and secure manner. This project was especially challenging because the law that created a formal process for filing these complaints required that an application be built in less than two months.

That meant there was no room for error. The application had to have a unified look and feel, even though it would be accessing external systems, and it had to be completely tested and secure to meet specific legal guidelines.

Thanks to this application, individuals filing a complaint can be assured their information is in safe hands. Banks and financial regulators, meanwhile, know that security is sound. This helps to re-establish faith in the financial markets for all concerned.

Results: Any complaints filed on the Tuchtrecht Banken website are handled by an independent party. That approach reassures individuals that their information is not being randomly shared. Data is fully protected and the interfaces between all systems are fully secure. The layers and connections are thoroughly tested by an independent party, and all protocols are audited regularly.

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